スノーバイク? 歴史 レース・記録 リフト乗り方 第1回教員研修会
製品情報 折りたたみ式 オプション サービス体制 メール スタッフ募集
スクール案内 スクール参加者のページ ショールーム 夏のスノーバイク
イメージビデオ テレビ・雑誌・コマーシャル・映画 雪上車ツアー ナイトラン




BLESMA ( www.blesma.org ) is a National Charity specifically for Limbless and Ex-Service Men and Women, their dependants and Widows. The objectives of the Association are to promote the welfare of all those who have lost a limb or limbs or one or both eyes as a result of service to their country and to assist their dependants.

Today, BLESMA are aiding thousands of amputees of all ages. From those who served during WWII, to recent conflicts and peace keeping missions.

One of the annual BLESMA activities is a skibob rehabilitation event held in Soelden, Austria. Please see pictures on the link below these pics.

BLESMA Pictures 2001 season

BLESMA also actively supported an all limbless entry into the Fastnet Yacht Race. If wish to see more information, please click on the following link. www.blesmachallenge.org.uk


BLESMA Objectives

a. Provide permanent residential and convalescent holiday accommodation through its two nursing and residential Homes at Blackpool and Crieff in Perthshire.

b. Provide a counselling service to individuals pre and post amputations.

c. Furnish advice on Pensions, Allowances, make representation to Government Departments on individual entitlements and, where necessary, represent Members and their dependants at Pensions Appeal Tribunals.

d. Provide financial assistance to Members and Widows in the form of Grants

e. Plan and organise rehabilitation programmes for the Amputee.

f. Assist in finding suitable employment for Amputees.

g. Provide limited funding for research and development into artificial limbs and in the training of prosthetists and orthotists.

h. Act as a Consumer Watchdog in respect of the provision of artificial limbs, wheelchairs and appliances.

The invaluable support of many, enable BLESMA to continue its work and maintain a high level of care for those who wish to lead a normal life.

トップページ スノーバイク? 歴史 レース・記録 折りたたみ式 製品情報 オプション サービス体制 メール スクール案内